Loss Prevention

P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin

Vol.53 Hatch Covers Claims v/s Maintenance

Issued Month:July 2022

This Bulletin introduces the securing systems of hatch covers as well as some main problems found.

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Vol.52 Response to Oil Spills

Issued Month:November 2021

This Bulletin refers to the countermeasures for Oil Spill Response and incident case studies.

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Vol.51 Risk Assessment in Practice

Issued Month:June 2021

This Bulletin refers to the reason why risk assessment is not effectively utilized on a vessel and/or by ship management companies.

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Vol.50 4M4(5)E Analysis    

Issued Month:February 2021

In this Bulletin, “4M4(5)E Analysis”, referring analysis methods and Case study for collision accidents.

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Vol.49 Tips for Effective Engine Management and Maintenance

Issued Month:December 2020

In this Bulletin, we explain the importance of repair/inspection/maintenance, preparing for an emergency situation, prepare for Bunker Trouble and 2020 IMO compliant fuel oil.

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Vol.48 Cyber risk and Cyber security countermeasures – supplement

Issued Month:May 2020

This Bulletin “Cyber risk and Cyber security countermeasures supplement” newly introduces updating trouble cases in Vol.42.

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Vol.45 Marine Weather – Ship Handling in Rough Sea

Issued Month:April 2019

In this Bulletin “Marine Weather–Ship Handling in Rough Sea”, referring to something that deserves extra attention from ship operators when navigating in rough seas. We will focus on the generation mechanisms behind rough weather and sea conditions.

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Vol.44 The Importance of Cargo Sampling

Issued Month:February 2019

In this Bulletin “The Importance of Cargo Sampling”, referring sampling methods and Case study for dry and liquid bulk cargo.

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Vol.43 Dragging Anchor – Case Studies and Preventive Measures

Issued Month:July 2018

Referring to “Typhoons and marine accidents” in the Maritime Casualty Analysis Report (Vol. 6), that was issued by the Marine Accident Inquiry Agency (MAIA) at that time in 2006.

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Reference Documents:

Vol.42 Cyber risk and Cyber security countermeasures

Issued Month:May 2018

In this Bulletin “Cyber risk and Cyber security countermeasures”, referring the cyber risk at sea have increased recently and the necessity of cyber security countermeasures.

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Reference Documents:
  • Text and forms provided by ORCA CO., LTD

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Coastal Vessel No.4 – Prevention of damage to harbour facilities and related cases

Issued Month:March 2018

In this Bulletin, entitled “Prevention of damage to harbour facilities and related cases”, we analyse statistics arising from 9 years of P&I insurance accidents involving Japanese coastal and ocean-going vessels. We look at the trends and characteristics of the accidents, and set everything out in a user-friendly format.

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Reference Documents:
  • Loss Prevention Bulletin Naiko Class vol.4_Ship Maneuvering Technical Reference

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Vol.41 Ventilation

Issued Month:December 2017

In this Bulletin “Ventilation”, referring the aims of appropriate ventilation and the cargoes most at risk of sweat damage, we provide our Members with details about the practicalities of applying conventional cargo ventilation.

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Vol.40  CASE STUDY "Collision", "Engine Trouble" and "Oil Spill Accident"

Issued Month:September 2017

In this Bulletin “Case Study”, referring real incidents that incurred “Collision”, “Engine Troubles” and “Oil Spill Accident”, we explain causes of the accident and preventive measures in detail.

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Vol.39  ECDIS

Issued Month:April 2017

In this Bulletin "ECDIS”, we explain the functions, familiarization training and important points of ECDIS.

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Vol.38 Thinking Prevention of Engine Trouble

Issued Month:September 2016

In this Bulletin “Thinking Prevention of Engine Trouble”, we explain the preventive measures against damage to the port facilities, oil pollutions and cargo damages due to the Engine troubles which were almost caused by the human error.

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Vol.37 Preventing Cargo Shortage

Issued Month:April 2016

In this Bulletin “Preventing Cargo Shortage”, we explain Our trends of cargo shortage, Key point of Draft survey and Preparation for cargo shortage claims.

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Vol.36 Cranes, Their Operation and Reasons For Failures

Issued Month:November 2015

In this Bulletin “Cranes, Their Operation and Reasons For Failures”, we discuss how to keep the cranes properly maintained and inspected at specified intervals.

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Vol.35 Thinking Safety – Bridge Resource Management and Engine Room Resource Management

Issued Month:July 2015

In this Bulletin “Thinking Safety - Bridge Resource Management and Engine Room Resource Management”, we discuss what exactly safety is, and explains the methodology for effective use of Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and Engine room Resource Management (ERM) from the point of view of those on-site.

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Vol.34 Bridge Watchkeeping and Collision Avoidance

Issued Month:March 2015

In this bulletin "Bridge Watchkeeping and Collision Avoidance", we discuss the use of ARPA and AIS, the information they give the navigator and what it means, with some reminders of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREGs).

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Vol.33 Large Claim Analysis and Trend – Reducing the Number of Large Claims

Issued Month:January 2015

In this bulletin “Large Claim Analysis and Trends - Reducing the Number of Large Claims", we have analysed the trends and causes of large claims handled by our Club over the past seven years between 2007 and 2013 Policy year, and are presenting countermeasures which can be used to reduce the incidence of these accidents.

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Vol.32 Preventing Damage to Harbour Facilities and Ship Handling in Harbours Part 2

Issued Month:July 2014

In Part 2, we set out what matters must be understood by the navigator on board, including conditions within the harbour, and the performance of the ships.

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Vol.31 Preventing Damage to Harbour Facilities and Ship Handling in Harbours Part 1

Issued Month:June 2014

In Part 1, we introduce claim statistics and causes of accidents.

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Vol.30 Bunkers – Quantity and Quality Disputes

Issued Month:March 2014

In this bulletin, “Bunkers - Quantity and Quality Disputes”, we suggest some ways to reduce the risk and manage incidence of bunker quantity and quality disputes.

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Vol.29 Emergency Response in the Event of a Collision

Issued Month:December 2013

In this bulletin “Emergency Response in the Event of a Collision”, we consider from the vessel’s view what initial response should be made in order to minimise damage and to assist with the smooth handling after a collision.

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Reference Documents:
  • Loss Prevention Bulletin Vol.29 Light_2 attachment

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Vol.28 Solid Bulk Cargoes – Part 3

Issued Month:October 2013

This is the last of three articles on “Solid Bulk Cargoes” dealing with what should be known, what should be done, and what records should be kept and retained for future reference during the various stages of the voyage when a solid bulk cargo is carried out.

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Vol.27 Solid Bulk Cargoes – Part 2

Issued Month:September 2013

This is the second of three articles on “Solid Bulk Cargoes” dealing with what should be known, what should be done, and what records should be kept and retained for future reference during the various stages of the voyage when a solid bulk cargo is carried out.

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Vol.26 Solid Bulk Cargoes – Part 1

Issued Month:August 2013

This bulletin, “Solid Bulk Cargoes Part 1”, is the first of three bulletins, dealing with what should be known, what should be done, and what records should be kept and retained for future reference during the various stages of the voyage when a solid bulk cargo is carried out.

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Vol.25 Preventing an Anchor from Dragging

Issued Month:July 2013

In this Bulletin, we consider how and why dragging the anchor occurs and how to deal with a dragging situations.

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Reference Documents:

Vol.24 Bulk Liquid Cargoes – Preventing Claims

Issued Month:March 2013

In this Bulletin, we consider the causes of claims against a vessel engaged in the carriage of bulk liquid cargoes to discuss the ways in which such claims can be avoided or minimised.

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Vol.23 Areas of concern frequently noted at Condition Surveys

Issued Month:March 2012

In this Bulletin, we discuss problem areas frequently noted during vessel Condition Surveys, and areas where we would ask Members please to pay more attention.

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Vol.22 Bulk Cargo Fumigation : What Can the Master and Crew Do?

Issued Month:March 2012

In this Bulletin, we provide the expert's advice on bulk cargo fumigation, subtitled "Bulk Cargo Fumigation : What Can the Master and Crew Do?" focusing on the important technical points of fumigant usage and some particular recommendations.

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Vol.21 Bridge Team Management with a Focus on Tankers

Issued Month:November 2011

In this Bulletin, we would provide the expert surveyor's advices about "Bridge Team Management with a Focus on Tankers". In this regard, we wish the brochures will be on board every vessel and read by all crew members.

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Vol.20 Steel Products and Their Carriage – Part 2

Issued Month:April 2011

In this Bulletin, we would provide the expert surveyor's advices about "Steel Products and Their Carriage - Part 2".

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Vol.19 Steel Products and Their Carriage – Part 1

Issued Month:August 2010

In this Bulletin, we would provide the expert surveyor's advices about "Steel Products and Their Carriage - Part 1".

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Vol.18 Basic Rules and Guidance for Loss Prevention

Issued Month:February 2010

In this Bulletin, we would provide the expert surveyor's advices about the basic rules and guidance for loss prevention.

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Vol.17 Dragging Anchor and the Preventive Measures

Issued Month:November 2009

In this Bulletin, we would provide the maritime counsel's advices for prevention of dragging anchor.

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Vol.16 Analysis of Large Claims – Ocean Going Vessels

Issued Month:March 2009

In this Bulletin, we have analysed the settled large claims which required the insurance of $100,000 and more.

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Vol.15 Prevention of Cargo Shifts Due to Liquefaction and Sliding Failure

Issued Month:March 2009

In this Bulletin, we would provide the maritime counsel's advices for prevention of cargoshifts due to liquefaction and sliding failure.

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Vol. 14 Prevention of Contamination to Chemical Products (MEG and Methanol)

Issued Month:June 2008

In this Bulletin, "Prevention of Contamination to Chemical Products (MEG and Methanol)", we would provide the expert surveyor's advices for prevention of contamination to MEG and Methanol.

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Vol.13 Prevention of Cargo Shortage

Issued Month:March 2007

In this Bulletin, we would provide the expert surveyor's advices for prevention of Cargo Shortage.

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Vol.12 Prevention of fire/explosion on chemical tankers

Issued Month:August 2006

In this Bulletin, we would provide the information for prevention of fire/explosion on chemical tankers.

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Vol.11 Trouble with Fluid Cargo in bulk  (2. Quality trouble due to tank coating & 3. Shortage)

Issued Month:April 2006

In this bulletin, we have taken up "Trouble with Fluid Cargo in bulk (2. Quality trouble due to tank coating & 3. Shortage)" following Vol.6.

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Vol.10 Loss Prevention for Reefer Cargo

Issued Month:April 2006

In this Bulletin, we take up "Loss Prevention for Reefer Cargo (3. Accident to Cargo in Reefer Container)" following Vol.7 & 9.

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Vol.9 Loss Prevention for Reefer Cargo

Issued Month:October 2005

In this Bulletin, we would provide the information of “Loss Prevention for Reefer Cargo (2.Accident to Fresh/Chilled Cargo on Reefer Carrier)” following Vol.7. We will take up “Accident to Cargo in Reefer Container” in the sequel to this issue.

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Vol.8 Overview and Prevention of Crew Illness

Issued Month:March 2005

In this Bulletin, we would provide the information of “Overview and Prevention of CrewIllness”.

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Vol.7 Loss Prevention for Reefer Cargo

Issued Month:March 2005

The development of larger refrigerator units and progress of freezing technology made it possible for reefer carrier to cover diversified commodities for longer period aboard the ocean-going vessels. In this Bulletin, we explain cause of damage to frozen cargo on reefer carrier, and prevention plan.

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Vol.6 Tourble with Fluid Cargo in bulk (1.Quality trouble)

Issued Month:February 2005

In this Bulletin "Tourble with Fluid Cargo in bulk (1.Quality trouble)", we explain contamination of petroleum products, factor of damage to fluid cargo and contamination of chemical products.

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Vol.5 Prevention of Cargo Shift/Collapse damage to cargo of PLYWOOD

Issued Month:December 2003

In this Bulletin "Prevention of Cargo Shift/Collapse damage to cargo of PLYWOOD", we explain causes of cargo shifting and stowage collapses, and prevention plan.

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Vol.4 Prevention of accident damage to cargo loaded on Bulk Carriers

Issued Month:June 2003

In this Bulletin "Prevention of accident damage to cargo loaded on Bulk Carriers", we consider the action to be taken to avoid fresh water damage to grain and animal feed. Especially, we wish to concentrate on the prevention of rain water damage during cargo loading.

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Vol.3 Careless Judgement and Poor Maintenance / Filipino Crew Claims and PEME / Crew Injuries and Death

Issued Month:April 2003

・Careless Judgement and Poor Maintenance
  Careless judgement and poor maintenance of ships are direct cause of lossesFilipino Crew Claims and PEME
・The Japan P&I PEME
  Package may assist Members to reduce Filipino crew claims
・Crew Injuries and Death
  Crew injuries and accidental deaths while on board

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Vol.2 Prevention of accident damage to cargo loaded on Bulk Carriers

Issued Month:January 2003

In this Bulletin “Prevention of accident damage to cargo loaded on Bulk Carriers”, we explain heat damage caused by heat transfer from the Fuel Oil Tanks.

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Vol.1 Prevention of accident damage to cargo loaded on Bulk Carriers

Issued Month:October 2002

In this Bulletin “Prevention of accident damage to cargo loaded on Bulk Carriers”, we explain causes of seawater damage to cargo and damege prevention plan.

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