Corporate Governance
Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
The United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires certain businesses to provide disclosure concerning their efforts to address the issues of slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains and their own business. The disclosures are intended to provide our Members, our suppliers and business partners the ability to make better and more informed choices about the services the Association provides.
Our Organisational Structure, Business and Supply Chain
The Association is based in Japan and underwrites P&I insurance for both ocean-going vessels and Japanese coastal vessels. The Association has its principal office in Tokyo and branches in other Japanese cities and Singapore. In the UK, our wholly-owned subsidiary, Japan P&I Club (UK) Services Ltd., provides claims-handling services to Members based in Europe, and assists other Members with difficulties in Europe. The services include arranging on Members’ behalf bank guarantees and Letters of Undertaking, which bind the Association in Japan.
We are a service provider of P&I insurance, not a manufacturer or retailer of physical products. The main suppliers for our insurance business include lawyers, surveyors and other experts, and for our office operation include cleaners and IT contractors. Considering the nature of our business, we believe there is a limited risk that our supply chain involves modern slavery and human trafficking. However, we still expect all our suppliers to have and enforce an acceptable slavery and human trafficking policy.
Our Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking and our Due Diligence Processes
Slavery and human trafficking remain heinous crimes that affect communities and individuals across the globe. We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking in our operations, and we expect all those in our supply chain to comply with our values.
We are committed to maintaining and improving systems and processes to avoid complicity in human rights violations related to our own business operations, our supply chains globally and our services. We are also committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that no slavery and human trafficking are taking place anywhere in any part of our business and supply chains.
Reflecting our above mentioned values, our Charter of Conduct is codified as follows: “The Association shall never tolerate any form of slavery and human trafficking nor any harsh or inhumane labour practice or treatment”.
We have also designed an Outsourcing Policy and whistleblowing system which our supply chain and employees are required to comply with to ensure that our operation do not involve slavery and human trafficking.
We will communicate this statement to our employees to ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of slavery and human trafficking in our business and our supply chain.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement. It also has been approved by the Managerial Committee on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Association.
The Japan Ship Owners’ Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association
Hiroshi Sugiura
Director General