

Owners’ P&I

FD&D Cover
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POEA: Standard Terms and Conditions Governing the Employment of Filipino Seafarers On-Board Ocean-Going Vessels(2010)
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Loss Prevention

Master’s Handbook

This handbook contains essential points for initial responses in case of emergency or occurrence of P&I claims for the Master mariners and other seafarers.

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What are Condition Surveys?
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Rules, Articles and Plan of Business Operation

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Guidance on the Rules


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Articles of Association
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Plan of Business Operation
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Japan P&I Newsletter No. 57
Issued Month : January 2023
Japan P&I Newsletter No. 57
  1. New Year Message from the Director General
  2. Japan P&I Newsletter renewal !
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Japan P&I Newsletter Back Number
  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 56 Issued Month : April 2022

    1. Appreciation for the 2022 Renewal
    2. The“ CMA CGM LIBRA” – Analysis of the impact on technical management practice of the UK Supreme Court’s decision that a defective passage plan may make a ship unseaworthy

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 55 Issued Month : January 2022

    1. New Year Message from the Director General
    2. Electronic (Paperless) Trading – History and Update
    3. Fukuoka Branch Relocation

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 54 Issued Month : April 2021

    1. Appreciation of the 2021 Policy Year Renewal
    2. Significance and Risks associated with Various Requirements under Bills of Lading (B/L) and Charter Parties (C/P) and Letters of Indemnity (LOI)

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 53 Issued Month : January 2021

    1. New Year Message from the Director General
    2. Webinar to celebrate Japan P&I Club’s 70th anniversary
    3. Danger of Delivery of Cargo Without Bill of Lading (B/L)

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 52 Issued Month : April 2020

    1. Appreciation for the 2020 Renewal
    2. Managing the risk of BMSB, Halyomorpha halys in Australia
    3. Change of personnel.

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 51 Issued Month : January 2020

    1. New Year Greetings by Director General
    2. Reform of the Law for Liability for Oil Pollution Damages
    3. Inside Stories” featuring Kobe branch

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 50 Issued Month : July 2019

    1. Iran Sanctions : A Brief Guide
    2. BARI-SHIP 2019
    3. Mr Eduardo Prim’s report on his secondment to Japan P&I Club

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 49 Issued Month : April 2019

    1. Appreciation of the 2019 Policy Year Renewal
    2. Seminar online application
    3. A valuable experience as secondment in the Club
    4. BARI-SHIP 2019
    5. Change of personnel

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 48 Issued Month : January 2019

    1. New Year Greetings and Interview with Director General
    2. The Loss Prevention Posters
    3. My training experience in the UK

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 47 Issued Month : July 2018

    1. 5th Anniversary of the founding Singapore branch
    2. Renewal of our Website!

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 46 Issued Month : April 2018

    1. Appreciation of the 2018 Policy Year Renewal
    2. “P&I Loss Prevention Bulletin – Coastal vessels No.4”
    3. Introducing “Inside Stories”
    4. Change of personnel

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 45 Issued Month : January 2018

    1. New Year’s greetings – Interview with the Director General.
    2. Official Commendation for Coastal Domestic Members for Achieving an Excellent Loss Record
    3. Maritime Law Training at the University of Southampton

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 44 Issued Month : July 2017

    1. Thank you for your satisfactory comments on our ECDIS seminar!
    2. Bari-Ship 2017 – A resounding success!
    3. Japan P&I Club and International Group of P&I Clubs

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 43 Issued Month : April 2017

    1. Seeking to provide a better service – Our Appreciation of the understanding and dedication of the Members of the Association, and a Report on the 2017 Policy Year Renewal
    2. Comment from successful application of the P&I Qualification programme
    3. BARI-SHIP 2017
    4. Change of personnel

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 42 Issued Month : April 2016

    1. To be your “neighbour ” P&I Club – Our Appreciation of the understanding and dedication of the Members of the Association, and a Report on the 2016 Policy Year Renewal
    2. The new page for Cargo Shortage has been released!
    3. Renewal of the Japan P&I Club PEME Package
    4. Ms. Jean Koh’s report on her secondment at Japan P&I Club
    5. Comments from successful applicants of the P&I Qualification programme
    6. Change of Organisation and personnel

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 41 Issued Month : April 2015

    1. For a further CHANGE
    2. “ABNORMAL OCCURRENCE” clarified in the OCEAN VICTORY court of appeal decision
    3. Why not arrange Charterers’ Liability Cover ?
    4. Mr. Pyle’s report on his secondment at Japan P&I Club
    5. Information(Website・BARI-SHIP・Staff News)

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 40 Issued Month : January 2015

    1. New Year’s greetings – Interview with Director General
    2. Calls and Premiums for the 2015 Policy Year
    3. Introduction to the IG & Reinsurance Department
    4. New and amended Conventions in 2015
    5. International Group P&I Qualification programme

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 39 Issued Month : April 2014

    1. Towards a Year of Progress – Our Appreciation for the understanding and dedication of the Members of the Association, and a Report on the 2014 Policy Year Renewal
    2. General Average – History and Expectation of York-Antwerp Rules “YAR”-
    3. Introducing Fukuoka Branch
    4. Staff News

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 38 Issued Month : December 2013

    1. Launching of JPI’s Singapore Branch
    2. The Carrier’s Liability under a Bill of Lading and the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of Japan
      Seiichi Nakamura Attorney at Law, Nakamura Law Office
    3. Staff News

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 37 Issued Month : April 2013

    1. – JPI’s CHANGE (Credible, Highly-Acknowledged, Networking & Glocalized Experts) – Appreciation for the understanding and dedication of the Members of the Association, and a Report on the 2013 Policy Year Renewal.
    2. Collisions and How to Avoid Them
    3. Introduction of “Crew Claims Team” in GROUP I, CLAIMS DEPT., Tokyo Principal Office
    4. Renewal of JPI’s Website
    5. Change of Organisation and Personnel

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 36 Issued Month : January 2013

    1. Greetings for the New Year -To Ensure the Implementation of “JPI’s CHANGE”
    2. Imabari Branch ~ From a Maritime City, Imabari
    3. Ms. Christine Vella’s secondment at Japan P&I Club
    4. My Ship-Visiting Experience ~ A report from a junior claim handler

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 35 Issued Month : October 2012

    1. Enhancing Loss Prevention Activities to Help Avoid Accidents
    2. The Letter of Indemnity (LOI) and its Legal and Practical Problems

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 34 Issued Month : April 2012月

    1. Going Forward to the Next Step with all Members Appreciation for the understanding and dedication of the Members of the Association, and a Report on the 2012 Policy Year Renewal.
    2. An Update From London
    3. Force Majeure and Ship Owner’s Liability
    4. Report On My On-Board Training
    5. Change of Organisation and Personnel
    6. Why not register for e-mail newsletters?

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 33 Issued Month : January 2012

    1. Greetings for the New Year
    2. Calls for the 2012 Policy Year
    3. Official Commendation for Coastal Domestic Members for achieving an excellent loss record
    4. Series: Introduction to MARITIME LAW – A guidepost to litigation (What is litigation?) –
    5. Report on my training in the U.K.
    6. Staff News

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 32 Issued Month : August 2011

    1. Greetings from the Chairman of the Association
    2. Statement of Director General – Business Review for the 2010 Financial Year –
    3. Series Introduction to MARITIME LAW
    4. Posting in Kobe Branch
    5. Staff News

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 31 Issued Month : April 2011

    1. Please come over this hardest period together Dedication and Report of the 2011 Ploicy Year Renewal
    2. Introduction of Tokyo Underwriting Department
    3. The Great East Japan Earthquake
    4. Second Visiting Ships Campaign
    5. Staff News

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 30 Issued Month : January 2011

    1. Greetings for the New Year
    2. Calls for the 2011 Policy Year
    3. Seminar in Pusan
    4. JPI Seminars in Japan from January to December, 2010
    5. Staff News
    6. Information of Publication from January to December, 2010

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 29 Issued Month : August 2010

    1. Greetings from the Chairman of the Association
    2. Greetings from the Director General
    3. Business Review for the 2009 Financial Year -For the Period From 1 April 2009 To 31 March 2010-
    4. Visiting Ships Campaign
    5. Organisational Change / Staff News

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 28 Issued Month : April 2010

    1. Appreciation for the Association Members’ understanding and dedication and Report of the 2010 Policy Year Renewal
    2. Please contact us if incidents occur !! (Introduction of Claims Department)
    3. Compliance as it was, is & will be
    5. (Members only) Have you enjoyed our “Alert Service”?

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  • Japan P&I Newsletter No. 27 Issued Month : January 2010

    1. Greetings for the New Year
    2. Calls for the 2010 Policy Year
    3. Seminar in Seoul
    4. Seminar in Kobe
    5. Japan Coastal Vessels’ Seminar in Tokyo
    7. Have you visited our Home Page ?

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