
アルゼンチンコーストガードが、River Parana航行船の喫水制限を勧告

2003/02/26 No.465
  • 外航
Buenos AiresのコレスポンデンツPandi Liquidadores S.R.L.からの情報によると、River Parana-River Plate航行船舶は34フィートを超えない喫水で航行するよう、現地コーストガードが勧告を出したとのことです。同水路では、高潮時にのみ航行可能となる余裕水深の少ない船舶が、たびたび水路に損傷を与えたり、喫水の問題で立往生して水路の安全航行や環境保護に悪影響を与えている状況に鑑み、これらの危険を減少させるため、より余裕のある喫水での航行を推奨しているものです。

Argentine Coast Guard Authorities recommend maximum drafts
in the River Parana

According to our correspondent in Buenos Aires, Pandi Liquidadores S.R.L., local CoastGuard Authorities have issued a notice related to the safety navigation of vesselsloading up River Parana where they are "recommending" a draft not above 34 feet for thereasons stated therein. Attached herewith please find free English translation of CoastGuard's notice provided by the correspondent.
We believe that this information would be useful for vessels being fixed to the voyagepassing the River Parana - River Plate area.

<free English translation>

Argentinean Coast Guard
Letter SNAV,NA9

Buenos Aires, 10th February 2003
Ref: "Recommendation on maximum drafts"

Mr.Manager of Pandi Liquisadors SRL - Alberto Trigub Esq.:

I have the pleasure of writing to you put you in notice that this Maritime Authority hasnoticed that while sailing the waterways from Santa Fe to the ocean in several occasionsvessels with drafts above 34 feet have caused damage to the channels and delays thataffect the smoothness of the traffic, this situation considerably increase the risk ofgrounding and other incidents that have a negative effect on the safety of navigation andthe protection of the environment.

From the study carried out to analyze the current situation, it has been noted thatthough the vessel in such a draft condition is cleared taking into account the referencelevel depth of the Parana river, her navigation for overcoming critical passages of theRiver Plate (strictly respecting safety margins) is totally subject to the occurrence ofa tide of high levels, which if does not occur will cause delays in her navigation andbesides the potential risk of obstructing the channel due to her incapability to resumesailing and the lack of anchorage areas with a depth compatible to the draft of thevessel.

In this condition, the regulation of navigation carried out by the vessel in draft, amongother aspects, is subject to the calculation of the most favorable moment to overcome thereference level depth of the waterway with an adequate water height. This procedure totarget necessarily incorporates a margin of error, either due to the own calculation ofthe high tide in the critical site and/or to the arrival time of the vessel to that sitein the favorable moment.

Although there might be favorable hydrological conditions due to extraordinary tides, itis understood that those should not be taken into account since they are temporarysituations and that should only be taken into account in order to improve the safety innavigation, specially when there are adverse hydro-meteorological conditions theincrement on the safety margin results very convenient.

It must be added to what was said above the negative consequences that may arise out ofthe hydrodynamic effects (SQUAT and SINKAGE) that cause an increase in draft. Thissituation may cause that the vessel could not maintain at all times 2 feet clearanceunder keel.

All what was explained above means that there is a need of including an additional safetyfactor to overcome the adverse situations and minimize the risk of navigation in thesechannels. Therefore, I put you in notice that notes have been addressed to variousorganizations related to the shipping industry in order for them to give notice to theirassociates that this Coast Guard recommends that vessels using the main waterways fromSanta Fe to the ocean, do it with draft not above 34 feet.

The above said is based, among other reasons, on

-The need to improve standards in the safety of navigation, environmental preservation,and protection of the channels.
-The provisions of Coast Guard Ordinance 4/00 DPSN (Addenda 1 y 2) in respect of thesafety margins.
-The current values of the reference level depths in the main waterway.
-The hydrodynamic effects that cause an additional submersion of the vessel.
-Estimation of cargo based on the expected tide.
-The provisions of the specifications of the tender of public works (dredging, buoying,and beaconing).

Roberto Raul Barrero
Prefecto General
Director de Policia de Seguridad
de la Navegacion