- 外航
昨年6月に改定されたフィリピン人船員に関するPOEA(フィリピン海外雇用管理局)標準雇用契約に対して、船員側の利益を代理する労働組合が起こした申立てが最高裁で受理され、昨年9月11日に最高裁から改定雇用契約の一部の条項について適用停止命令が出されていることについては、2000年8月15日付及び2000年9月19日付JAPAN P&I NEWS No.315及びNo.319にてお知らせしたとおりです。
Restraining Order of amended POEA Contract
The Philippines Supreme Court issued a Temporarily Restraining Order stoppingPOEA (the Philippines Overseas Employment Administration) from enforcing a certainprovision of revised standard employment contract for overseas Filipino seaman on 11September 2000 in response to a petition by a local seafarers organization, which pleaserefer our previous JAPAN P&I NEWS No.315 and No.319 dated 15 August 2000 and 19 September2000.
According to the latest information from our local correspondent in Manila, theOffice of the Solicitor General filed the Comment on behalf of the Secretary of Labor andthe POEA Administrator. The Comment supports the amendments to the POEA contract andprays that the Temporary Restraining Order to be lifted.
There has been no other development because there has been politicaldevelopments in the Philippines which has largely occupied the time of the Supreme CourtJustices.
Therefore, the major article of the old standard employment contract ruling thestandard of compensation to Filipino seamen has been still applied.
We shall revert the developments.