
ウクライナ - バラスト水検査に関する問題

2015/07/10 No.744
  • 外航

ウクライナのコレスポンデンツDias Marine Consulting p.c.より、現地環境保護当局検査官によるバラスト水検査に関する問題についての情報及びアドバイスを受領しましたのでご案内申し上げます。






“On April 03 2015, there came into force Order 82dd. 18.03.2015 (filing No. 343/26788) of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine “on introducing changes into some state ecological control regulations”. By virtue of this Order chemical control of segregated ballast is cancelled.  The said Order is aimed at improvement of the ecological control service activity and also it is intended to bring certain Ukrainian normative and legal acts in conformity with the international law.


For example, some changes were made in the regulations related to ecological control of ships at the national frontier check-points and areas covered by the regional customs. In particular, Item 1.4 of the said regulations gives a definition of the notion of “segregated ballast” in accordance with MARPOL Convention 73/78. Besides, paragraph 7 of Item 1.12 of the said regulations was also amended – in the new redaction authority of the state ecological inspectors to make analysis of the segregated ballast water is annulled. In the same way their authority to take samples and carry out laboratory analyses of the segregated ballast for its contents and characteristics is withdrawn by force of the amended Item 6.9 of the marine ecological inspections regulations.”


コレスポンデンツからの最新情報によると、環境保護当局検査官による違法行為は次第に減少しつつあるものの、依然としてウクライナ諸港で発生しているそうです。船舶検査はPort State Control検査官が実施するものであり、環境保護当局検査官を乗船させて船舶書類の検査やサンプル採取を行わせないよう船長に指示されることをご提案申し上げます。