韓国、入港許可制度の改訂について (許可証の取得無く船員が上陸した本船の取り扱い、最悪入港を禁止)
題記につき、韓国のサーベイ会社SPARK International より同国での船舶入出港手続きに関して変更があった旨、通知がありましたのでお知らせいたします。(下記、SPARK International からのメールご参照)
この改訂の対象には「入港許可制度」も含まれており、港域内といえども、必要な許可(Shore Passなど) を取得せずに船員が上陸したことが確認された本船は、次回の韓国入港時に事前の入港許可取得が必要となります。更に再度、許可取得のない上陸が確認された場合、韓国への入港を許可しないという内容です。
入港に際しての手続き書類などには変更がないとのことですが、本船乗組員が港域内を散歩やジョギングする場合にも Shore Passの取得を要求するもので、取得を怠たると最悪の場合は韓国への入港を禁じられることとなりますのでご注意ください。
/// quote frome-mail from SPARK International ///
Please be advised that amendments to the “International Ship and Port Facility Security Act” and “Ship’s Port Entry and Departure Enforcement Act” passed the Korean Cabinet Council on 2nd August. These amendments were taken as a measure to strengthen port security in the light of recent increase in security incidents such as foreign crew disembarking vessel without required permission (i.e. shore pass) etc., and the rapidly increasing threat of international terrorism.
The amendment includes application of “Port Entry Permission System”, which the P&I Club and the Members should take note of.
“Port Entry Permission System” necessitates that for vessels which had prior incidents in Korean port of foreign crew disembarking the vessel without permission (shore pass etc.) even if he/she remains within the port limits,will require port authority entry permission to enter port in her next call to Korean ports. Further, should incidents reoccur, entry to Korean ports will not be permitted for the vessel.
The “Port Entry Permission System” is going to be promulgated in August and will take effect from November of this year (2016).
I hope the above is of an assistance and should you have any further enquiry /comments, do let me know.
Best regards,
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