
Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.114

30 March 2022 No.1161

We have obtained the recent navigation warnings of the China Waters issued by China MSA. Please see the following the free translations by the law firm in Shanghai, China, Sloma & Co.




  1. Announcement on Construction of 10 KV Submarine Cable for Power Supply in Qingdao Islands

(MSA Translation)

LHT (2022) No. 112

China MSA 8 March 2022

  1. Work duration: 7 March 2022 – 22 May 2022, daily operation from LT0800 to LT1130 and from LT1230 to LT1700.
  2. Work unit: Shanghai Cable Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd.
  3. Workboat: “Kai Bo No.3”, “Xiang Xiong Tuo 9”, “Hu Jian Jin 2”.
  4. Work site: Submarine cable laying area:
    1. 36°19′50.391″N/120°41′40.602″E,
    2. 36°17′27.334″N/120°42′42.855″E,
    3. 36°19′50.273″N/120°41′39.378″E,
    4. 36°17′26.763″N/120°42′41.829″E.

    The waters within a range of 100 meters from both east side and west side of the above area is the safe operation zone, which is not allowed to be entered for all the vessels.

  5. Work mode: Newly-set submarine cable.
  6. Cautions:
    1. The workboats should exhibit and display corresponding signals as regulated, strengthen duties, keep unobstructed communication with VHF, contact the passing vessels timely and ensure safety.
    2. Passing vessels should strengthen lookout, pay attention to recognizing the signals, keep a safe distance, sail cautiously, slow down to pass by and strengthen contact with the workboats for the safety matters.
    3. The work unit should strengthen management on the workboats and timely remind the passing vessels of avoidance during the construction for the safety matters.

  1. Wreck Removal and Salvage of the Sunken Ship “Bao Ge 7” in Xiangshan

(Sloma Translation)

YHT (2022) No.84

China MSA 16 March 2022


  1. Work duration: 22 March 2022 – 21 May 2022, daytime operation.
  2. Safe operation zone: waters at about 15 nm to the southeast of Nantian Island along the coast of Xiangshan of Ningbo, i.e. waters centered by 28°49′36.0″N/122°03′48.0″E (CGCS2000), with a radius of 500m.
  3. Work mode: The workboats, “Kang Xin 11” and “Kang Xin 8” will conduct open mooring in the above waters to carry out the wreck removal and salvage operation for the sunken ship in the operation order. “Yong Jie 1” and “Kang Xin 5” will conduct auxiliary works including guard and clean-up works during the operation.
  4. Cautions:
    1. The workboats should implement all the safety and anti-pollution measures, display lights and shapes as regulated in obvious places day and time, display visible marks towards where the anchors enter the waters, strengthen duties and lookout and watch on VHF16, take safety measures if necessary.
    2. The operation should be suspended and the workboats should evacuate timely in case of bad weather such as heavy wind.
    3. The passing vessels should strengthen lookout and contact, obey the command of the on-site guard ships, keep a safe distance with the workboats and pass by slowly from outside of the work site.


  1. Well Exploration Operation on Well “Wenchang 19-3-1d” by Drilling Platform “Nan Hai No.7”

(Sloma Translation)

QQLHT (2022) No.9

China MSA 18 March 2022


  1. Work duration: 21 March 2022 – 21 May 2022.
  2. Work site: Eastern sea area of Wenchang City of Hainan Province, centered by 19°23′19.71″N,112°06′15.32″E, with a radius of 1nm.
  3. Workboat: “Hai Yang Shi You 671”, “Hai Yang Shi You 670”.
  4. Work mode: Offshore drilling operation.
  5. Cautions:
    1. The workboats should display lights and shapes as regulated.
    2. The workboats should keep watch on VHF16 and VHF8.
    3. Passing vessels should strengthen lookout and avoid entering the work site.
    4. It won’t be further notified if the operation is completed in advance.


  1. 2022 Changchang Depression North Slope Phase II - 3D Seismic Acquisition Project by “Hai Yang Shi You 720”

(Sloma Translation)

QQLHT (2022) No.8

China MSA 18 March 2022


  1. Work duration: 18 March 2022 – 31 December 2022.
  2. Work site: Waters bounded by the following 4 points in the South China Sea of Hainan Province:

    A) 18°40′04.00″N,112°06′51.00″E;

    B) 18°57′43.00″N,112°42′28.00″E;

    C) 18°07′37.00″N,113°13′60.00″E;

    D) 17°49′50.00″N,112°37′45.00″E.

  3. Workboat: “Hai Yang Shi You 720”.
  4. Work mode: 3D seismic acquisition by way of towing operation.
  5. Cautions:
    1. The workboats should display lights and shapes as regulated.
    2. The workboats should keep watch on VHF16 and VHF8.
    3. Passing vessels should strengthen lookout and avoid entering the work site.
    4. It won’t be further notified if the operation is completed in advance.



Please be advised that all the above navigation warnings were the important pieces selected from the official website of MSA China or that of other local MSAs. Sloma shall not be liable for the veracity of the above navigation warnings or the accuracy of their English and Japanese translations. Neither shall Sloma be liable for any person’s/party’s possible losses/damage which may result from relying upon the above navigation warnings.


Junmao Jiang

Sloma & Co.

25 March 2022