Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.110
We have obtained the recent navigation warnings of the China Waters issued by China MSA. Please see the following the free translations by the law firm in Shanghai, China, Sloma & Co.
- Sea Trial Operation of Project of Research on Key Technology and Equipment Development for Integral Salvage of Large-tonnage Shipwrecks in South Anchorage of Lvhua Mountain of Changjiang Estuary
(MSA Translation)
HHT (2021) No. 605
China MSA 22 November 2021
- Work duration: 25 November 2021 – 31 January 2022, daytime operation only.
- Work site: circular water area centered by 30°46′28.98″N/122°37′02.58″, with a radius of 1500 meters within South Anchorage of Lvhua Mountain of Changjiang Estuary.
- Work mode: Shanghai Salvage Bureau will carry out sea trial operation. Work boat, “Da Li Hao” will drop 4 offshore anchors at the bow and stern of the boat in the center of the work site, the anchor position will not exceed the work site. The work boat will then install and debug the hydraulic buffer synchronous lifting system and pre-warning system, lay shipwreck simulator and carry out salvage simulation testing operation. “Lian He Hai Gong 5002”, “Hu Jiu 18”, “Hu Jiu 19” and “Hua He” will assist on the site and perform guarding duty.
- Cautions:
- The workboat should exhibit lights and shapes as regulated, display visible marks during daytime and irradiate with light at nighttime towards where the anchors enter the waters, keep AIS on normally.
- The workboats should strengthen duties on VHF16 and the report of movement of the vessels, keep proper lookout and strengthen security works.
- Irrelevant vessels are forbidden to enter the work site.
- Vessels passing the work site should sail cautiously and pay attention to the avoidance.
- The operation should be suspended in case the wind force is greater than 7 or the visibility is less than 1500m.
- Fault Repair on S3 of the APG (Asia Pacific Gateway) Outside North Branch of Changjiang Estuary
(MSA Translation)
HHT (2021) No. 600
China MSA 18 November 2021
- Work duration: 23 November 2021 – 23 January 2022, day-night operation.
- Work site: water areas of East China Sea outside north branch of Changjiang Estuary, bounded by the following eight points:
A) 31°36′09.6″N/122°14′36.6″E;
B) 31°36′25.8″N/122°14′36.6″E;
C) 31°36′09.6″N/122°22′00.6″E;
D) 31°29′07.8″N/122°33′36.6″E;
E) 31°29′13.8″N/122°52′25.8″E;
F) 31°29′01.2″N/122°52′25.8″E;
G) 31°28′52.8″N/122°33′28.2″E;
H) 31°35′53.4″N/122°21′59.4″E。
- Work mode: Workboat “CS FU HAI” (LOA: 105.8m, molded breadth: 20m) will detect the fault location, salvage and cut off the defective cable, splice, connect, lay and repair the cable, bury and repair the cable in order along route of S3 of APG in the work site. During the operation, the navigation speed of the workboat is relatively slow.
- Cautions:
- The workboat should exhibit lights and shapes as regulated and keep AIS on normally.
- The workboat should strengthen duties on VHF16 and the report of movement of the vessels, contact with the passing vessels voluntarily and implement security works.
- Vessels passing the work site should sail cautiously and pay attention to the avoidance.
- Irrelevant vessels are forbidden to enter the circular water area centered by the workboat, with a radius of 500m.
- The operation should be suspended in case the wind force is greater than 7 or the visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
- HNotice of Drilling Operation on Well “LS9-2-1” by “Kan Tan No.3”
(Sloma Translation)
QSYHT (2021) No.41
China MSA 15 November 2021
- Work Duration: 16 November 2021 – 31 January 2022.
- Related Vessels:
Drilling platform: “KAN TAN No.3”;
Guard ship: “KAN TAN 225”, “HAI YANG SHI YOU 685”.
- Safe Operation Zone: Circular waters centered by 17°44′24.64″N/110°21′03.26″E, with a radius of 1nm.
- Work Mode: Offshore drilling operation.
- Cautions:
- Workboats should display signal as regulated. During the nighttime, there will be flashing lights around the workboats and red flashing lights set at the top of the derrick.
- Workboats could be contacted through VHF16/VHF08.
- Passing vessels should strengthen lookout, pay attention to the avoidance, avoid crossing the safe operation zone for the safety matters.
- It won’t be further notified if the operation is completed in advance.
- Notice on Existing Cultivation in Waters Nearby Anchorage of Jinghai Bay and Sushan Island
(Sloma Translation)
LHT (2021) No.509
China MSA 8 November 2021
Work mode: In waters nearby general anchorage of Jinghai Bay in central Yellow Sea, there exist large quantities of cultivation items in waters between west of the line (36°46′30″N/122°08′10″E to 36°49′50″N/122°08′10″E) and the gate of Xingang Channel of Zhangjiabu as well as southwestern and southeastern waters of Sushan Island, where allisions between vessels and cultivation items are likely to occur. Vessels navigating in the above waters should sail cautiously and avoid the cultivation items to ensure the navigation safety.
Please be advised that all the above navigation warnings were the important pieces selected from the official website of MSA China or that of other local MSAs. Sloma shall not be liable for the veracity of the above navigation warnings or the accuracy of their English and Japanese translations. Neither shall Sloma be liable for any person’s/party’s possible losses/damage which may result from relying upon the above navigation warnings.
Junmao Jiang
Sloma & Co.
26 November 2021