
Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.91

7 May 2020 No.1077

We have obtained the recent navigation warnings of the China Waters issued by China MSA. Please see the following the free translations by the law firm in Shanghai, China, Sloma & Co.


  1. Announcement on Relevant Information of Submarine Cables of “WZ12-1PAP” Offshore Fixed Production Platform

(Sloma Translation)

BHHH [2020] No.12

China MSA 22 April 2020


Relevant units and vessels,

“WZ12-1PAP”Offshore Fixed Production Platform is owned by CNOOC Zhanjiang Branch and was completed and put into use in 2006. In order to protect the safety of the operation in the platform and navigation of the vessels in the nearby sea areas, we hereby supplement relevant information of the submarine cables of “WZ12-1PAP” Offshore Fixed Production Platform as follows:

  1. Location of the submarine cables:
    1. Coordinates of the submarine compound cables between WZ12-1PAP Production Platform and WZ6-8 WHP Wellhead Platform:

      Starting point: 20°48′19.084″N/108°53′54.429″ E

      Terminal point: 20°52′24.1342″N/108°54′00.7022″E

    2. Coordinates of the submarine compound cables between WZ12-1PAP Production Platform and WZ6-9/6-10 WHP Wellhead Platform:

      Starting point: 20°48′57.712"N/108°53′56.698"E

      Terminal point: 20°50′37.202"N/108°50′48.713"E

    3. Coordinates of the submarine compound cables between WZ12-1PAP Production Platform and WZ11-1N WHP Wellhead Platform:

      Starting point: 21°02′58.17″N/109°05′02.95″E

      Terminal point: 20°49′03.477″N/108°42’53.379″E

    Sea areas within 500m from both sides of each submarine pipeline are safety zones.

  2. Safety measures:
    1. Stand-by vessel will conduct periodical inspection in safe operation areas.
    2. “WZ12-1PAP” Platform is equipped with corresponding oil spill emergency facilities, draw up a contingency plan and implement a 24-hour duty system.
    3. Vessels are forbidden to drop anchor, drag anchor and conduct trawl fishing operations in waters where the submarine pipelines are laid.

  1. Announcement on Alteration of Repair Operation of Submarine Cables of Interconnection Project II of Hainan Power Grid and China Southern Power Grid

(Sloma Translation)

ZHT(2020) No.9

China MSA 22 April 2020


  1. Work duration: 23 April 2020 – 31 July 2020, day-night operation.
  2. Work site: nearby water areas of West of Qiongzhou Strait, bounded by following 5 points in order:






  3. Work boat and mode: “Jian Ji 3001”, “Hai Gang Tuo 10”, “Su Yun Hai Lun 988” and “Yu Hang 836” will conduct repair operations for the submarine cables of Interconnection Project II of Hainan Power Grid and China Southern Power Grid.
  4. Cautions:
    1. Workboats should comply with International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and display navigation and operation signals as regulated.
    2. Workboats should strengthen duty, lookout and communications, pay close attention to the movements of the vessels entering and leaving the port and prepare to take safety measures at any time.
    3. Workboats should pay close attention to meteorological dynamic and implement safety and anti-pollution measures to ensure safety.
    4. Other passing vessels should avoid the work site, strengthen duty, lookout and communications and pay attention to taking avoidance measures.

  1. Announcement on Anchorage Sweeping Survey and Measurement of Caofeidian 6-4 Oil Field Development Project

(Sloma Translation)

JHT(2020) No.49

China MSA 8 April 2020


  1. Work duration: 8 April 2020 – 1 June 2020, daily operation from LT0500 – LT2000.
  2. Work site:

    Area I: waters bounded by the following six points:







    Area II: waters bounded by the following four points:





  3. Work boat: “Hai Xun 1504”, “Hai Xun 1505” and “Run Yuan 168”.
  4. Work mode: Workboats will conduct anchorage sweeping survey and measurement operations in the above approved work site.
  5. Cautions:
    1. Workboats should exhibit blue and white fanions at day and display red-white-red navigation lights at night and keep watch on VHF09/17;
    2. Passing vessels should strengthen lookout and contact the workboats for avoidance matters in advance.

  1. Operation on Well “Cheng Bei 353” by “Sheng Li No.8”

(Sloma Translation)

LHT (2020) No.115

China MSA 24 April 2020

  1. Work duration: 25 April 2020 – 30 June 2020.
  2. Work unit: Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd., Offshore Drilling Company
  3. Work boat: “Xin Sheng Hai 6”, “Sheng Hai 8”, “Sheng Hai 9”, “Sheng Hai 10”, “Sheng Kan 208”, “Sheng Li 241”, “Sheng Li 242”, “Sheng Li 253”, “Sheng Li 291”, “Sheng Li No.8” and “Sheng Li No.5”.
  4. Work site: operation by “Sheng Li No.8” in waters centered by 38°11′01.46″N/118°58′07.55″E, with a radius of 500 meters.
  5. Cautions:
    1. Workboats should exhibit and display corresponding signals in accordance with relevant regulations, strengthen duties, keep watch on HF around the clock and timely contact the passing vessels for the safety matters.
    2. Passing vessels should strengthen lookout and the contact with the workboats, sail cautiously, pay attention to recognizing the signals and keep a safety distance.



Please be advised that all the above navigation warnings were the important pieces selected from the official website of MSA China or that of other local MSAs. Sloma shall not be liable for the veracity of the above navigation warnings or the accuracy of their English translations. Neither shall Sloma be liable for any person’s/party’s possible losses/damage which may result from relying upon the above navigation warnings.


Junmao Jiang

Sloma & Co.

26 April 2020