(Revised the regulation information in Chile.)
Asian gypsy moth (AGM) is a serious forest pest prevalent in some seaport areas in East Asia including Japan, Russia and so on. If introduced in countries where it does not exist naturally, AGM would have significant impacts on their agriculture and the natural environment.
AGM can spread via ocean-going vessels and container cargos in international trade. To minimize the risk of AGM incursion, regulators in countries free from AGM work to mitigate the risk of AGM spreading in collaboration closely with shipping industries.
In these circumstances, the United States (US), Canada, Chile, New Zealand and Australia have implemented measures, such as pre-arrival inspections and submission of required AGM documentation, for vessels calling from high risk AGM areas during specific period of the years to prevent AGM being carried to their countries.
Here is a summary of the requirements for 2018 AGM flying season set forth by the
above-mentioned regulating countries, for which Members should take note that there are still
differences between each regulator.
The United States (US) and Canada
Vessels, having called ports in Far East Russia, Japan, Korea and Northern China during the AGM flight season in the past 24 months, must arrive in North America ports free from AGM and with required pre-departure certification, which should be obtained at the final calling port of the infected areas. For more details, please find the attached “
2018 USDA-CFIA Joint AGM Pre-Season Bulletin”.
Vessels, having called ports in AGM regulated areas during AGM flight season in the past 24 months, arrive with required pre-departure certification. The government has defined the AGM regulated area as East Russia, Japan, Korea and China.
※With reference to the details of AGM regulation in Chile, we issued our Japan P&I News
No.647, informing that the Resolution No.4412/2013 by Chilean Agricultural and Live Stock Service was published in the Official Gazette in August 2013. In this regard, we have obtained
amended new Resolution No.8870/2015 which amended the previous one in respect of the definition of the regulated area in China. Members should take note that the authorities consider that the risk area is now all China (previous one only considered North of China) including a small portion of southern China at a latitude of 20 degrees south in this regulation.
New Zealand
Vessels, having called ports in AGM regulated areas during AGM flight season in the past 12 months, must be obtained required pre-departure certificate from an inspection body recognized by Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI). For more information, please find the “
Shipping notice 2017” issued by MPI.
The heightened vessel surveillance window for AGM is between January and May each year. Vessels, having called ports in AGM regulated areas during AGM flight season in the past 24 months, will be risk assessed by the department to determine the need for a target AGM inspection on arrival. With regard to pre-departure certification, however, nothing needs to be submitted by vessels having called ports in AGM regulated areas excluding East Russia. For more information, please refer to the
Industry advice notice 06-2018announced on 19th January 2018 by Department of Agriculture and Water Resources of Australian Government.
It is essential for the Members, who trade, or intend to arrange a vessel call at ports in AGM regulated areas, to remind their Masters and Crews of the importance of conducting proper AGM self-inspections on board. The Members should also be recommended that they keep in close contact with their local agents in calling port to check the latest status of the above requirements.
We hope it will be of help to you with regard to the safe voyage.