

2007/12/27 第07-008号
  • 外航

同方針の原文は添付の英文版のとおりですが、本特別回報においては「Club」は「当組合」と、また「Certificate of Entry」は「保険契約承諾証」と読み替えております。

船主殿は時として、各国政府、港湾当局及び用船者等の多くの第三者に対して、船主殿がP&I保険を手配しているということ、また場合によっては、同保険が特定クレームをてん補するということの提示を迫られる場合があり、その結果、国際P&Iグループに加盟する当組合が、加入船主殿がそれら第三者の個別の関心に見合う保険手配をしていることの確認を求められることになります。しかしながら、既に当組合が加入船舶全船に対して発行した保険契約承諾証が、まさに当組合に加入していることの証明書として本船に備え置かれております。また、適切であると判断された場合に限り、油濁事故、人身事故、港湾設備損傷や船骸撤去といった特定のてん補項目に焦点を当て確認書(Confirmation of Entry)が発行されることもあります。




以上ご説明しましたとおり、各クラブのウェブサイト情報へのアクセスと組合員殿のCertificateof Entryは、第三者の要求を十分満たすものです。


Shipowners are, from time to time, required to demonstrate to a number of outside parties such as governments, port authorities, and charterers that they have insurance cover in place and, in certain cases, that such insurance covers particular heads of claim. As a result, the Clubs in the International Group (IG) receive requests for confirmation that an entered shipowner member has an insurance policy which meets the particular needs of the requesting party. This evidence of insurance is already provided by the Clubs inthe IG through the issue of certificates of entry. IG Clubs issue certificates of entry to all entered vessels, which are carried on board, as evidence of the fact that the vessel is entered with an IG Club. Individual Clubs can if they consider it appropriate also supplement certificates of entry by naming particular types of cover, such as pollution, personal injury, dock damage or wreck removal.

By giving direct confirmation of cover to a third party, a Club may in some jurisdictions be thought to assume obligations to that party, giving him rights directly against the Club and surrendering policy defences available under the terms of a Member's entry. IG Clubs cannot issue confirmations which refer to national or local laws or regulations; this would be impossible in practice in view of the fact that IG Clubs insure the liabilities of approximately 92% of the world's ocean going tonnage.

Such requests must therefore be treated with care by the Clubs in the International Group.

All Clubs maintain up to date lists of entered vessels on their websites. The data underlying these search facilities is updated at least once every 24 hours i.e. to reflect any changes to the list as quickly as possible. Requests for confirmation of entry of cover should, therefore, also be referred to the list of entered vessels on the Clubs' websites, which contain a necessary disclaimer in order to avoid the suggestion that access to the website could be construed as a representation directly by the Club to a third party.

Access to this information and the Member's certificate of entry should be sufficient to satisfy all third party enquiries.