
Ebola virus disease in West Africa (No.20)

15 October 2014 No.703
We have received the attached circular from Brazil P&I, our correspondents in Brazil, about the requirements for the vessel’s entry into Brazilian ports.

As Members will not from the attachment, vessel coming from the Ebola affected countries (Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone) has to carry out the temperature check of the crew on board and, in case that there is a suspicion of having contracted Ebola virus disease, the temperature check of the crew has to be conducted every four hours.  The Master has to prepare a report about the temperature check and submit it to ANVISA (The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency).

In addition, when applying for the Free Pratique, vessel who comes from the Ebola affected countries or who called at these countries within 21 days before her call at Brazilian ports has to present the Medical Log Book together with the other relevant documents required under the relevant regulations to ANVISA.

While there are some cases in Nigeria, Nigeria has not been considered by ANVISA as the Ebola affected countries subject to the above mentioned measures.