
Ebola virus disease in West Africa (No.4)

19 August 2014 No.680
We have received information that Abidjan Port Authority has decided to lift the ban of any ships from entry which have been in an area affected by Ebola virus disease. According to the announcement by Abidjan Port Authority, some sanitary measures concerning the entry of ships coming from an affected area will be expected at a later date.

On the other hand, the Gabon authorities has published a notice indicating that they have imposed restrictions on the ships with no person of Gabonese citizenship coming from Ebola affected countries to call at the ports of Gabon. The notice further says that even the ship with no history of her call at an Ebola affected area is required to submit the list of all ports the ship has called during 30 days preceding her ETA and to receive the on-board inspection by the health inspector.

In the meantime, while we advised the measures taken by the Nigerian authorities in the Japan P&I News No.679, no official announcement has been made to this effect and they seem to be just unofficial measures.

Members whose vessels may call at an Ebola affected area should check the most up-to date information through the local agents, etc., as the situation may change quite quickly.