Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.63
We have obtained the recent navigation warnings of the China Waters issued by China MSA. Please see the following the free translations by the law firm in Shanghai, China, Sloma & Co.
Emergency repair on submarine optical fiber cable between Xiamen and Jinmen
(Sloma Translation)
MHSXH (2017) No.71
China MSA 22 December 2017
- Work duration: 23 December 2017 – 23 February 2018.
- Work site: water areas in east side of Xiamen Island, bounded by the following six points in order (2000 National Geodetic Coordinate System):
1. 24°29′39″N,118°12′12″E; 2. 24°28′40″N,118°13′30″E;3. 24°28′31″N,118°13′35″E;
4. 24°28′21″N,118°13′26″E; 5. 24°28′39″N,118°13′21″E;6. 24°29′33″N,118°12′08″E. - Work boat: “Feng Yang Hai Gong”
- Work mode: salvage and recover defective optical cable; rebury the new cable;
- Cautions:
- Operation in Liuwudian Channel should be conducted during daytime, the work unit should notify relevant terminals in advance.
- Workboat should display lights and shapes as regulated, keep AIS open normally, keep watch on VHF08, strengthen duties and lookout and take safety measures at any time.
- Passing vessels should pay attention to identifying workboat’s movement, keep safety distance with the workboat and pass by slowly. Passing vessels should contact the workboat (contact number:18916802766) in advance in case of avoidance matters.
Fault emergency repair on Section S4 of the TPE submarine optical fiber cables in Changjiang Estuary
(MSA Translation)
HHH(2017) No.636
China MSA 20 December 2017
- Work duration: 26 December 2017 – 25 January 2018, day-night operation.
- Work site: water areas in Changjiang Estuary, bounded by the following eight points:
A. 31°21.10′N/122°31.12′E; B. 31°20.02′N/122°31.12′E; C. 31°19.93′N/122°47.27′E;
D. 30°57.76′N/123°04.22′E; E. 30°38.84′N/123°40.41′E; F. 30°39.80′N/123°41.02′E;
G. 30°58.50′N/123°05.30′E; H. 31°21.01′N/122°49.52′E. - Work mode: workboat “CS FUAN” (Panamanian vessel) (LOA: 141.5m, molded breadth: 19.4m) will conduct fault emergency repair operation along TPE submarine optical fiber cable (Section S4 of the TPE) in the work site.
The operation will be conducted in the following order: salvage and cut off the defective cable, splice, lay and repair the cable, bury and repair the cable. - Cautions:
- Workboat should exhibit regulated lights and shapes and keep AIS normally open.
- Workboat should strengthen watch on VHF16, improve the dynamic notification and keep proper lookout.
- Navigating vessels should keep a safety distance with the workboat when passing, sail cautiously and pay attention to the avoidance.
- The operation should be suspended when the force of wind is over the scale of 7 or the visibility is under 1nm.
Laying operation of 220KV submarine cable between Zhoushan Island and Dayu Mountain
(Sloma Translation)
ZHH (2017) No.154
China MSA 9 December 2017
- Work duration: 11 December 2017 – 31 May 2018, day- night operation.
- Work site: waters from Mamu Island of Zhoushan to southeast side of Dayu Mountain, which is bounded by the following six points within a range of 300 meters from both sides (2000 National Geodetic Coordinate System):
1. 30°10′53″N, 121°57′21″E; 2. 30°11′19″N, 121°57′09″E; 3. 30°11′30″N, 121°55′42″E;
4. 30°12′55″N, 121°55′34″E; 5. 30°18′05″N, 121°59′39″E; 6. 30°18′19″N, 121°59′33″E. - Workboats and mode: “Jian Lan 1”, “Teng Yang 001”, “Jian Ji 3001”, “Jian Ji 5002” will conduct laying operation of submarine cables in the above water area. “Dong Fang Gang Tuo 9”, “Hai Gang Tuo 12”, “Sheng Fa Tuo 128”, “Sheng Fa 169”, “Long Tao 1”, “Long Tao 2”, “Bo Xiang Gong 9”, “Guo Liang 20”, “Hua Rong 11”, “Zhe Ding 62107”, “Zhe Ding 58014”, “Zhe Ding 62071” and “Zhe Ding 45331” will conduct guard and supporting operations at the construction site.
- Cautions:
- Workboats should display distinct marks at the place where the anchor chain enters the water and display regulated lights and shapes in obvious place of the vessels, keep watch on VHF 16 and actively inform the vessel’s movement during the work.
- Passing vessels should strengthen duties and lookout, keep unimpeded contact with VHF 16, keep a safe distance from the workboats and obey the command of the on-site guard ships.
- Contact number of the work site: 13906807117, 13857228182, 13857207101.
Well exploration operation on Well BZ29-5W-1
(Sloma Translation)
YHH(2017) No.75
China MSA 6 December 2017
- Work duration: 6 December 2017 – 27 February 2018.
- Work areas: well exploration operation on Well BZ29-5W-1 in circular water areas centered by 38°07′02.895″N /119°42′49.166″E, with a radius of 1000 meters.
- Work boat: “Bo Hai No.9”, “Hai Yang Shi You 677”, “Bin Hai 286”.
- Cautions:
- Workboats should display signals in accordance with Regulation on Signal Exhibition in Coastal Port and keep watch on VHF 16 during the work.
- Passing vessels should contact the workboats in advance and pass-by slowly after taking avoidance measures.
Please be advised that all the above navigation warnings were the important pieces selected from the official website of MSA China or that of other local MSAs. Sloma shall not be liable for the veracity of the above navigation warnings or the accuracy of their English translations. Neither shall Sloma be liable for any person’s/party’s possible losses/damage which may result from relying upon the above navigation warnings.
Junmao Jiang
Sloma & Co.
22 December 2017
We hope it will be of help to you with regard to the safe voyaging.