Low Sulphur Requirements by California Air Resource Board (CARB)
29 June 2009 No.571
We refer to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations regarding low sulphur fuel oil requirements for ocean going vessels which will become effective on 1st July 2009. In this respect, please refer to the attached "Client Alert" 13-2009, dated 24th June 2009 which was issued by ECM Maritime Services.
Please note that the relevant regulations and Marine Notices which have been issued by the CARB are available on the website of the CARB as listed below:
CARB Regulations
CARB Marine Notice 2009-2:
CARB Marine Notice 2009-3
Should Members have any queries regarding the above CARB regulations, we would recommend that they contact the CARB directly.
Please note that the relevant regulations and Marine Notices which have been issued by the CARB are available on the website of the CARB as listed below:
CARB Regulations
CARB Marine Notice 2009-2:
CARB Marine Notice 2009-3
Should Members have any queries regarding the above CARB regulations, we would recommend that they contact the CARB directly.