Amendment of Regulation of Disaster Compensation for a Korean Seaman on board Foreign Vessel (KSA)
The Article 3 and 5 of the KSA has been amended and will become effective as from 1st June, 2002 as follow;
1. Article 3. (Compensation for the Dependent)
Paragraph 1.
In case a seaman dies sustained from his duties, the shipowner shall pay, without delay, an amount of money equivalent to his average on board wages of 1,300 days plus a special condolence allowance of US$40,000.00 as a compensation to the dependent designated in provision of the enforcement decree of the Seaman's Act. However, if the aggregation of the compensation for the dependent is less than US$70,000.00,the shipowner is liable to pay US$70,000.00.
( The proviso regarding the point of US$140,000.00 as a maximum compensation was abolished/delated. )
Paragraph 2
In case a seaman dies whilst service on board the vessel caused by other than his duty, the shipowner shall pay, without delay, an amount of money equivalent to his average on board wages of 1,000 days plus a special condolence allowance of US$40,000.00 as a compensation to the dependent designated in the provision of the enforcement decree of the Seaman's Act.
( The proviso regarding the point of US$120,000.00 as a maximum compensation was abolished/delated. )
2. Article 5 (Compensation for impairment)
In case a seaman's sickness or injury sustained from his duty and is remained in a residual physical impairment after full maintenance, the shipowner is liable to pay the seaman, without delay, an aggregated amount of money calculated in the way of multiplying the days applicable to the impairment grade table attached to the Compensation Insurance Act for an Industrial Accident by his average on board wages plus an amount of money calculated in the way of multiplying the days applicable to the impairment grade by US$30 as a special compensation.
( The proviso regarding the point of US$140,000.00 as a maximum compensation was abolished/delated. )
In this connection, in the event of death and disability case in high rank seaman, there would be lots of possibilities for the death and disability compensation to be increased to some extent, exceeding US$140,000.00.