
Ratification of the Bunker Convention and Wreck Removal Convention, and Amendment of the Oil Pollution Act in Japan - to be effected on 1 October 2020

3 July 2020 No.20-008

Members are referred to Japan P&I News No.1026 dated 27 May 2019 on the above subject.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan have announced on their websites that the amended ‘Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage’ will come into force on 1 October 2020.


[MOFA’s press release]


[MLIT’s press release] (Japanese language only)


Each District Transport Bureau of MLIT has started accepting applications for Bunker Convention and Wreck Removal Convention certificates.


As for existing Japanese-flagged ocean-going vessels for which Bunker Convention and Wreck Removal Convention certificates have been issued by another State party, ship owners do not have to apply afresh to the Japanese government; the current certificates are valid until the expiry date. 


To date, we have applied to MLIT for CLC certificates on behalf of Members with Japanese-flagged ocean-going vessels. However, as from 1 October 2020 we will not do so, and Members will be requested to apply directly to the relevant District Transport Bureau of MLIT for CLC certificates and Bunker Convention and Wreck Removal Convention certificates. Club Blue Cards are required for an application for Convention certificates to be made. Please therefore contact your usual underwriting contact about the issue of Blue Cards.