Focus on Fall Preventer Devices (FPD)
Amendments to SOLAS III/1.5 (Resolution MSC.317(89)) were adopted at the 89th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 89) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in May 2011. Therefore, the lifeboat release and the retrieval systems (LRRS) must comply with LSA Code IV amended by Res.MSC.320(89) not later than the next scheduled dry-docking after 1 July 2014, and not later than 1 July 2019. Additionally, Fall Preventer Devices (FPDs) may be required until such time as the said devices have undergone the necessary design review and performance test, and have been either confirmed compliant with the relevant requirements of the revised LSA Code or replaced with compliant devices. In case that a Flag State Administration requires FPDs to be employed, the FPDs shall be approved by an Administration or a Recognised Organization in accordance with IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1327.
However, defects are still being found in FPDs during PSC vessel inspections and condition surveys. In the attached document, we discuss the defects and how to prevent similar accidents in the future.
We hope it will be of help to you with regard to the safe voyaging.