
Treatment of documentation issued before our principal office relocation

10 July 2023 No.23-006

As we have announced in our press release dated 26 June 2023, our principal office will relocate and our registered address will be changed on 24 July 2023.


After the date of the relocation, the new address will appear on all documents issued by the Association.


As all existing Certificates of Entry, Blue Cards, Guarantees, Letter of Undertakings, and other insurance or legal documentation issued by the Association prior to 24 July 2023 will not lose their validity until the expiration date, we will not reissue these documents.


On the other hand, we will reissue the MLC Certificate with the address and phone number of the new office, as it contains the association's emergency contact information. We apologise for the inconvenience, but we kindly ask all of our members to replace the existing MLC Certificate on board and follow any other procedures.


We would also ask all maritime authorities of flag states of our entered ships and port authorities where the ships may call to accept the above mentioned situations and cooperate in port entry procedures of the ships without any troubles.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the person in charge of our underwriters or Underwriting Administration Dept. (e-mail address: