
Sanctions Summary Matrix

31 October 2013 No. 13-013
We are pleased to introduce our “Sanctions Summary Matrix”, as prepared in cooperation with global legal practice Norton Rose Fulbright.  The Sanctions Summary Matrix can be found at the following address;

This Sanctions Summary Matrix summarises sanctions imposed by the European Union (EU) and United States of America (US) against certain countries considered most relevant to the shipping industry.

The Sanctions Summary Matrix will be updated on an on-going basis as and when we are alerted to the implementation of new legislation.  The updated guide will be published on the Club’s website, as notified in the “What’s up” section of the Home page.  Members are advised to visit the website to obtain the most up-to-date version of the Sanctions Summary Matrix, as further special circulars on updates will not be published.

Should Members have any queries, would they please contact the Club.