
Customs Control on Medications in the Vessels’ First Aid Kits

6 May 2003 No.478
We attach hereto please find an information from Novorrossiysk Marine Company Limited, our correspondent in Novorossiysk, Russia, regarding the general customs declaration of medications on board for your kind attention. 

In case of calling Novorrossiysk, we should be grateful if you could inform the master ofthe above and instruct him to act as recommended by them as follows;

  1. Captains should be very attentive while filling out the general customs declaration regarding all medications, keeping in mind, that the first aid kit usually contains narcotic or/and psychotropic, strong substances. 
  2. Captains should demand help from the agent in registration of the general declaration and put their signature to the captain's copy of the declarations the reference to the agency company and the agent's name. 
  3. In case of any claims arising from the part of the custom officers, the captain should immediately get in touch with the correspondent of the Club.

In case of urgency our correspondent in Novorrossiysk is accessible as below;