
ITOPF Technical Information Papers

10 April 2012 No.614
ITOPF (The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited) has published the complete set of 17 ITOPF Technical Information Papers (TIPs). TIPs reflect technological advances and recent collective experience on a range of oil pollution topics. They can be downloaded for free of charge on their website:

The series comprises:
1. Aerial Observation of Marine Oil Spills
2. Fate of Marine Oil Spills
3. Use of Booms in Oil Pollution Response
4. Use of Dispersants to Treat Oil Spills
5. Use of Skimmers in Oil Pollution Response
6. Recognition of Oil on Shorelines
7. Clean-up of Oil from Shorelines
8. Use of Sorbent Materials in Oil Spill Response
9. Disposal of Oil and Debris
10. Leadership, Command & Management of Oil Spills
11. Effects of Oil Pollution of Fisheries and Mariculture
12. Effects of Oil Pollution of Social and Economic Activities
13. Effects of Oil Pollution on the Environment
14. Sampling and Monitoring of Marine Oil Spills
15. Preparation and Submission of Claims from Oil Pollution
16. Contingency Planning for Marine Oil Spills
17. Response to Marine Chemical Incidents